Minister Peggy S. Williams was born on October 8, 1941, in Dallas, Texas. She is a proud mother and grandmother, one child deceased. Minister Peggy Williams is a graduate of the Southern Baptist Institute of Dallas, Texas, receiving diplomas for Basic and Advanced Religious studies in 1981—1989, and was licensed to preach the Gospel on October 20, 2000, at the Bexar Street Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, Reverend C. C. Robertson, Pastor.
Minister Peggy S. Williams holds a bachelor’s degree in Evangelism from the Rialto Community Bible College, Rialto, California, granted in 1991. She is a retired licensed Vocation Nurse with over thirty-five years’ experience in the field. She has been a member of New Hope Baptist Church since January 2002. Minister Williams is currently a student at the Dallas Baptist University, studying Christian Ministries..